About us

The Silver Start was founded in the small kitchen at St Hanshaugen in Oslo in 2019. In the beginning Ashdeleddens was better known as only Kristian on Finn. No To make it easier to order from Kristian, this online store was opened in the middle of January 2022.

Today we have customers both in Norway and abroad.

Should you be looking for a cutlery pattern you don't know the name of or want more parts to, If it's just to send me a request with a picture then Kristian will help to follow up. You can also follow me by signing up on our mailing list or following me on Instagram or Facebook under the name As. I don't know. Then you will receive updates from us at regular intervals.

If you'd like to find out more about Ashke's Silver, check the number 923 065 733 MVA. The silver of the ash pile is a company owned by Stubergh Design and Silver. The company has been issued a silver license by the police.

Thank you so much for coming to my website.

Mvh Kristian